Monday 22 July 2013

List of Practicals PROGRAMMING & PROBLEM SOLVING THROUGH C –II [BCA -207] Syllabus BCA 2nd-II Sem Syllabus for DAVV Indore Affiliated Institutions

Bachelor Of Computer Applications (BCA) (Full-Time) 
Second-2nd-II Semester Curriculum/ Syllabus 2011-12 Academic Year Onwards


 List of Practicals:
  1. To find square root of nos. without using built in function
  2. To find factorial of a no. using recursion
  3. To reverse digit of number
  4. To reverse the given string
  5. To search a name in a record of student
  6. To create a record having five fields
  7. To exchange the value of two variable using function
  8. To add two number using pointer
  9. To create a file character
  10. To read a file
  11. To create a file of integer
  12. To create file of a record
  13. To copy a file
  14. To merge two file
  15. To find transpose of matrix
  16. To find inverse of matrix
  17. To convert lower case string into upper case
  18. To read character from one text file convert into upper case and length into other file
  19. Write a program which ask date of birth in dd/mm/yy format and spell it in word
  20. To find out twins prime number
  21. To enter a four digit number and print it in all combination
  22. Write a mark sheet program using file
  23. Write a payroll program using file
  24. Partitioning of an array
  25. Removal of duplicity in an array
  26. Write the following recursive C Function

  • ¾    Factorial of a given number
  • ¾    Nth Fibonacci number
  • ¾    Reverse of a given String
  • ¾    Reverse of a give Number
  • ¾    Sin(x)

  1. Write a c program to create a new data type Date with the help of structure and   typedef. Also write following user defined function for date manipulation.

  • ¾    To return next Date,
  • ¾    To return next Month,
  • ¾    To return next Year,
  • ¾    To add few Days in a date
  • ¾    To add few Months in a date
  • ¾    To add few Years in a date
  • ¾    To return the date of the week of a given date.
  • ¾    To return Month name from the date.
  • ¾    To Display the Date in various format as: Date Display(Date d1, char  *format)  Here Date is the newly created data type. The format string can hold the following values:“DDMMYYYY”, “MMDDYY”, “MON, DD, YYYY”

  1. Write a C program to implement myprintf and myscanf functions using Concept of variable number of arguments. (using getch, putch, gets and puts function)
  2. Write a C program that creates an Employee text file? Records Are empid, empname, designation, qualification, salary, experience, Research work, address, city phone?
  3. Write a C program that manipulates the above text file. The program must implements the operation to modify a record, delete a record and append new records.
  4. Write C programs for the following operation to work like DOS Commands:

  • ¾    type abc.txt
  • ¾    copy source1.txt source2.txt
  • ¾    copy source1.txt source2.txt source3.txt source4.txt
  • ¾    compare source1.txt source2.txt
  • ¾    concat source1.txt source2.txt

  1. Write a C program to open two files containing integers (in sorted order) and merge their contents.
  2. Write a C program to count the number of vowels, consonants, digits, spaces, other symbols, words and lines in a given text file.
  3. Write C code to check if an integer is a power of 2 or not
  4. Write a C program to count bits set in an integer.
  5. Write a C program to set a particular bit in a given number.
  6. Write a C program to reset a particular bit in a given number.
  7. IF 5+3+2 = 151022 , 9+2+4 = 183652 , 8+6+3 = 482466 , 5+4+5 = 202541 THEN; 7+2+5 = ? Develop a C program to solve this problem.

  1. Every student will be given 6 period /week laboratory(1 period 45 minutes)
  2. Every student will be work on independent computer(student: computer =1:1)

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