Friday 6 December 2013

MCH-106: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding Syllabus M.Sc. (CHEMISTRY) -1st-I Sem. Syllabus for DAVV Indore Affiliated Institutions

M.Sc. (CHEMISTRY) First-1st-I Semester Curriculum/ Syllabus
MCH-106: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding Syllabus

Unit I: Atomic Structure:

Radial wave function. Plot of radial wave function for s, p, d and f orbitals. Angular wave
function, shape of s, p, d and f orbitals orbitals. Effective nuclear charge and its applications.
Nuclear configuration.

 Unit II: Structure and Bonding in Main Group Compounds :

Structure of molecules, Jahn-Teller distortions. Walsh diagram (tri-atomic AB2 and penta-atomic AB4 molecules), Bent’s rule and its applications. Character of bonds, Bond lengths and bond angles.

Unit III: Chemical Forces and Bonding Models in Inorganic Chemistry

Internuclear distances, Types of chemical forces. Effects of chemical forces. Bonding Models in Inorganic Chemistry. Detection of hydrogen bonding.

Unit IV: Quantum Mechanical Treatment of Hybridization

Group theory and hybridization. Determination of hybridization for ABn (n = 2 to 6) molecules. Normalized wave function for hybrid orbitals. The relationship of the molecular orbital and the hybridization treatments. Problems of Quantum Chemistry.


1. Inorganic Chemistry, Huhee, Keiter and Keiter, Addition-Wesley, 1993.
2. Valence, C. A. Coulson, Oxford University Press.
3. Chemical Applications of Group Theory, F. A. Cotton, Wiley Eastern.
4. Orbital Interactions in Chemistry, Albright, Burdett, Whangbo, John Wiley.

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