Friday 6 December 2013

MCH-107: PRACTICAL Syllabus M.Sc. (CHEMISTRY) -1st-I Sem. Syllabus for DAVV Indore Affiliated Institutions

M.Sc. (CHEMISTRY) First-1st-I Semester Curriculum/ Syllabus
MCH-107: PRACTICAL Syllabus

Chromatography Separation of cations and anions by Paper Chromatography.


Preparation of selected inorganic compounds and their studies by I.R. electronic spectra, Mossbauer, E.S.R. and magnetic susceptibility measurements.

Qualitative Analysis

Separation, purification and identification of compounds of binary mixture (one liquid and one solid) using TLC and columns chromatography, chemical tests. IR spectra to be used for functional group identification.

Organic Synthesis

Acetylation : Acetylation of cholesterol and sepration of cholesteryl acetate by column chromatography. Oxidation : Adipic acid by chromic acid oxidation of cyclothexaneol Grignard reaction : Synthesis of triphenylmethanol from benzoic acid The Products may be Characterized by Spectral Techniques.
Drug Analysis

Physical Chemistry

Error Analysis and Statistical Data Analysis
Errors, types of errors, minimization of errors distribution curves precision, accuracy and combination; statistical treatment for erro analysis, student 't test, null hypothesis, rejection burette, piette and standard flask. Adsorption To study surface tension-connectration relationship for solutions (Gibbs equation). Phase Equilibria
i. Determination of congruent composition and temperatur5e of a binary system (e.g. diphenylamine-benzophenone system).
ii. Determination of glass transition temperature of given salt (e.g., CaCl2) conductometrically.
iii. To construct the phase diagram for three component system (e.g. chloroform-acetic acidwater).

Chemical Kinetics

i. Determination of the effect of (a) Change of temperature (b) Charge of concentration of reactant and catalyst and (c) Ionic strength of the media on the velocity constnat of hydrolysis of an ester/ionic reaction.
ii. Determination of the velocity constant of hydrolysis of an ester/ionic reaction in micellar media.
iii. Determination of the velocity constant for the oxidation of iodide ions by hydrogen peroxide study the kinetics as an iodine clock reactions.
iv. Flowing clock reactions (Ref : Experimetns in Physical Chemistry by Showmaker)
v. Determination of the primary salt effect on the kinetics of ionic reaction and testing of the Bronsted relationship (iodide ion is oxidised by persulphate ion).
vi. Oscillatory reaction.


Determination of molecular weight of non-volatile and electrolyte/electrolyte by cryoscopic method and to determine the activity coefficie nt of an electrolyte.
Determination of the degree of dissociation of weak electrolyte and to study the deviation from ideal behaviour that occures with a strong electrolyte.

Books Suggested

1. Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Analysis, revised, J. Bassett, R.C. Denney, G.H. Jeffery and J. Mendham, ELBS.
2. Synthesis and Characterization of Inorganic Compounds, W.L. Jolly. Prentice Hall.
3. Experiments and Techniques in Organic Chemistry, D.P. Pasto, C. Johnson and M. Miller, Prentice Hall.
4. Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments, K.L. Williamson, D.C. Health.
5. Systematic Qualitative Organic Analysis, H. Middleton, Adward Arnold.
6. Handbook of Organic Analysis-qualitative and Quantitative. H. Clark, Adward Arnold.
7. Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, A.R. Tatchell, John Wiley.
8. Practical Physical Chemistry, A.M. James and F.E. Prichard, Longman.
9. Findley's Practical Physical chemistry, B.P. Levitt, Longman.
10. Experimental Physical Chemistry, R.C. Das and B. Behera, Tata McGraw Hill.

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