Unit-I Introduction and concept:-Introduction market strategy and consumer behaviour, Market Analysis, consumer decision process.
Unit-II Culture and consumer behaviour: - Meaning of culture, Characteristics of culture, function of culture. types of culture, Cross-cultural consumer analysis:- cross cultural marketing objectives, Basic areas for cross-cultural marketing, problem in cross cultural marketing. Motivation and consumer behaviour: - Introduction, motives and motivation, positive or negative motivation, Consumer motives:- personal ,social motives, Involvement:-types of involvement, measuring involvement, values , values and attitudes, means and end chain model.
Unit-IV Perception and consumer behavior:- Introduction, of groups , advantages and disadvantage of groups, reference group, types of reference group, social class and consumer behaviorIntroduction social class categorization, social class life style and buying behavior, social class and market segmentation, social factors, social class and consumer behavior.
Unit-V Perception and consumer behaviour: - Introduction, meaning, nature, Importance and limitation of perception, Barriers to accurate perception, Sensation, perception of values, perception of process. Determining consumer buying Behaviour:-Consumer purchase decision, types of decision, types of decision behaviour, buying stage and situational influence, models of consumer behaviourEconomic model, learning model, sociological model, Howard Sheth model of buying.
Unit-VI Attitude and consumer behaviour:- Meaning of attitude, nature and characteristics of attitude, types of attitude, learning of attitude, sources of influence on attitude formation, Model of attitude- Tricomponent attitude model, multiattribute attitude model, Consumer decision making process:- Introduction, levels of consumer decision ,consumer information processing model ,Hierarchy of effects model.
Course Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an insight and understanding of Consumer
Examination Scheme: Students shall be evaluated on two components, internal and end semester examination. The Semester Exam shall be worth 80 marks, it will have two sections A and B. Section A worth 60 marks will comprise of seven theory questions, out of which a student will be required to attempt any four questions. Section B worth 20 marks will contain a case.
1. Ramneek Kapoor, Consumer Behaviour: Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Ramanuj Majumdar, Consumer Behaviour, PHI Learning, New Delhi