Friday, 12 July 2013

BBA(Full-Time) Sixth-6th-VI Sem. Syllabus for DAVV Indore Affiliated Institutions

Sixth Semester Curriculum/ Syllabus
BBA (Full-Time) 3 Yrs. Program of
Affiliated Institutions

BBA(Full-Time) Sixth-6th-VI Semester

BB601                                        TotalQuality Management 

BB602                                        RetailManagement

BB603                                        Strategic Management

BB604                                        IndianEthos in Management

BB605M                                    Marketingof Services

BB606M                                    ConsumerBehaviour

BB605F                                      MerchantBanking and Financial Services

BB606F                                      International Finance

BB605H                                     Performance Management

BB606H                                     LeadershipSkills and Change Management 

Consumer Behaviour [BB606M] BBA - VI Sem. Syllabus for DAVV Indore Affiliated Institutions

BB606M                                    Consumer Behaviour

Unit-I Introduction and concept:-Introduction market strategy and consumer behaviour, Market Analysis, consumer decision process.

Unit-II Culture and consumer behaviour: - Meaning of culture, Characteristics of culture, function of culture. types of culture, Cross-cultural consumer analysis:- cross cultural marketing objectives, Basic areas for cross-cultural marketing, problem in cross cultural marketing. Motivation and consumer behaviour: - Introduction, motives and motivation, positive or negative motivation, Consumer motives:- personal ,social motives, Involvement:-types of involvement, measuring involvement, values , values and attitudes, means and end chain model.

Unit-IV Perception and consumer behavior:- Introduction, of groups , advantages and disadvantage of groups, reference group, types of reference group, social class and consumer behaviorIntroduction social class categorization, social class life style and buying behavior, social class and market segmentation, social factors, social class and consumer behavior.

Unit-V Perception and consumer behaviour: - Introduction, meaning, nature, Importance and limitation of perception, Barriers to accurate perception, Sensation, perception of values, perception of processDetermining consumer buying Behaviour:-Consumer purchase decision, types of decision, types of decision behaviour, buying stage and situational influence, models of consumer behaviourEconomic model, learning model, sociological model, Howard Sheth model of buying.

Unit-VI Attitude and consumer behaviour:- Meaning of attitude, nature and characteristics of attitude, types of attitude, learning of attitude, sources of influence on attitude formation, Model of attitude- Tricomponent attitude model, multiattribute attitude model, Consumer decision making process:- Introduction, levels of consumer decision ,consumer information processing model ,Hierarchy of effects model.

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an insight and understanding of Consumer

Examination Scheme: Students shall be evaluated on two components, internal and end semester examination. The Semester Exam shall be worth 80 marks, it will have two sections A and B. Section A worth 60 marks will comprise of seven theory questions, out of which a student will be required to attempt any four questions. Section B worth 20 marks will contain a case. 

1. Ramneek Kapoor, Consumer Behaviour: Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Ramanuj Majumdar, Consumer Behaviour, PHI Learning, New Delhi

Marketing of Services [BB605M] BBA - VI Sem. Syllabus for DAVV Indore Affiliated Institutions

BB605M                                    Marketing of Services

Unit-I  INTRODUCTION TO SERVICE MARKETING-Meaning, Defination, Characteristics, Components, Classification of Service Marketing, Factors Leading to a Service Economy.
Unit-II SERVICE CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR- Understanding the Service Customer as a   ecision Maker, Customer purchase is Associated with Risk, How Service Customers Evaluate the Service, The Service Consumer Decision Process, and The Decision Making Process in the Service Sector,  components of Customer Expectations, Service Satisfaction, Service Quality Dimensions,

Unit-III         THE SERVICE DELIVERY PROCESS-Managing Service Encounters, Common Encounter Situations, Managing Service Encounters for Satisfactory Outcomes, Service Failure, Service Recovery, Process of Service Recovery, Customer Retention and Benefits.

Unit-IV STRATEGIC ISSUES IN SERVICE MARKETING-Market Segmentation in the Marketing of Srevices, Target Marketing, Positioning of Services-How to Create a positioning Strategy, Developing and maintaining Demand and Capacity

Unit-V CHALLENGES OF SERVICE MARKETING-Marketing Planning for Services, Developing and Managing the Customer Service Function, Developing and Maintaining Quality of Services,.

Unit-VI  RELATIONSHIP MARKETING-The levels of Customer Relationships, Dimensions of a Relationship, Goal of relationship marketing.


   1.   Zeithmal, Bitner,Service Marketing (SIE), Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi
2.   Harsh V. Verma, Services Marketing, Pearson Education, New Delhi 

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an insight and understanding of Marketing of 

Examination Scheme: Students shall be evaluated on two components, internal and end semester  examination. The Semester Exam shall be worth 80 marks, it will have two sections A and B. Section A worth 60 marks will comprise of seven theory questions, out of which a student will be required to attempt any four questions. Section B worth 20 marks will contain a case. 

Indian Ethos in Management [BB604] BBA - VI Sem. Syllabus for DAVV Indore Affiliated Institutions

BB604                                        Indian Ethos in Management

Unit-I Business Ethics: Introduction,  Business Ethics and Management, Business Ethics and Moral Obligations; Corporate Social Responsibility; Corporate Governance; Report of the Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee on Corporate Governance; Role of Media in Ensuring Corporate Governance; Environmental Concerns and Corporations.

Unit-II  Ethical Issues related with Advertisement and Marketing; Secular versus Spritual Values in Management, Work Ethics, Stress at Workplace

Unit-III Relevance of Values in Management; Gandhian Approach in Management and Trusteeship; Social Values and Political Environment

Unit-IV  Indian Ethos: Values and Ethics; Requisites for Ethics Globally 
Unit-V  A  Holistic Management System; Management in Indian Perspective
Unit -VI  Social values and business: impact on society on different issues and business participation in cultural affairs, democracy judiciary machinery.

1.   A.C Fernando, Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective, Pearson Education, New Delhi
2.   A.C Fernando, Corporate Governance, Pearson Education, New Delhi

3.   R. Nandagopal, Ajith Sankar, Indian Ethos and Values in Management, New Delhi 

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an insight and understanding of Indian Ethos in Management 

Examination Scheme: Students shall be evaluated on two components, internal and end semester examination. The Semester Exam shall be worth 80 marks, it will have two sections A and B. Section A worth 60 marks will comprise of seven theory questions, out of which a student will be required to attempt any four questions. Section B worth 20 marks will contain a case.

Strategic Management [BB603] BBA - VI Sem. Syllabus for DAVV Indore Affiliated Institutions

BB603                                        Strategic Management

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an insight and understanding of Strategic Management

Examination Scheme: Students shall be evaluated on two components, internal and end semester  xaminationThe Semester Exam shall be worth 80 marks, it will have two sections A and B. Section A worth 60 marks will comprise of seven theory questions, out of which a student will be required to attempt any four questions. Section B Worth 20 marks will contain a case.

Unit-I  Strategic Management: An Introduction  
Strategic thinking Vs Strategic management Vs Strategic planning, Meaning of strategic management, concept of strategy, policy and strategy, strategy and tactic, Strategy and strategic plan, Nature of strategic plan, nature of strategic decisions, approaches to strategic decision making, levels f strategies, The strategic management process, strategic management: merits and demerits  

Unit-II  Mission, Objectives, Goals and Ethics 
What is mission, concept of goals, Integration of individual and organisation goals: A Challenge, How Objectives are pursued, how are mission and objectives are formulated, why do mission and objective change, vision mission, objectives, goals and Strategy: Mutual relationships, core of strategic management: vision A-must, ethics and strategy

Unit-III        External environment: Analysis and appraisal  
Concept of environment, environmental analysis and appraisal, why environmental scanning and analysiscomponent of environment, SWOT:A tool of environment analysis, techniques of environmental search and analysis, ETOP: A technique of diagnosis, decision making on environmental information.

Unit-IV  Organisational change and innovation:-

Planned and unplanned change, causes or forces of organisational change, managing planned change, choosing a change strategy, creativity and innovation in organisations, organisational creativity and innovation process, learning organisation

Generic competitive strategy:-   
Generic vs. competitive strategy, the five generic competitive strategy, competitive marketing strategy option, offensive vs. defensive strategy,

 Corporate strategy:-   
Concept of corporate strategy , offensive strategy, defensive strategy, scope and significance of corporate strategy 

Unit-VI Strategic evaluation and control Evaluation of strategy and strategic control, why strategy evaluating, criteria for evaluation and the evaluation process, strategic control process, types of external controls.

1.   Azhar Kazmi, Strategic Management and Business Policy, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi.
2.   Thomas Wheelen, Thomas Hunger, J. David Hunger, Concepts in Strategic Management and Business
Policy, Pearson Education, New Delhi

Retail Management [BB602] BBA - VI Sem. Syllabus for DAVV Indore Affiliated Institutions

BB602                                        Retail Management

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to develop an insight and understanding of Retail

Examination Scheme: Students shall be evaluated on two components, internal and end semester examination. The Semester Exam shall be worth 80 marks, it will have two sections A and B. Section A worth 60 marks will comprise of seven theory questions, out of which a student will be required to attempt any four questions.  Section B worth 20 marks will contain a case.

 Unit-I Introduction to retailing: Definition and scope, evolution of retailing, types of retail, trends in retailing industry, benefits of retailing, retailing environment.

Unit-II Retail purchasing and pricing: Purchase management:- Merchandise purchasing, open to buy, open to buy planning, analyzing the merchandise performance, Pricing strategies:-every day pricing, competitive based pricing, price skimming, market-oriented pricing, marginal cost pricing. Retail price  strategies: -  mark-up pricing, vendor pricing, competitive  pricing, psychological pricing.

Unit-III  Retail marketing and promotion: Nature and scope:-relationship marketing, market strategies, retail research   Understanding the retail customer:- retail market, population analysis, demographic analysis, consumer behaviour  Retail promotion Mix: - Retail promotion programme, retail advertising media, promotional budgetCustomer services: - customer services, services quality gaps, service recovery.

Unit-IV Information system in retailing: Acquiring and using information strategies, technology in retail, information sources, retail information system.

Unit-V Retailing in India: Evolution and trends in organised retailing, Indian organised retail market, FDI in Indian organised  retail sector, retail scenario in India, future trends of retail in India.

Unit-VI Ethical and legal issues in Retailing: Dealing with ethical issues, social responsibility, environmental orientation, waste reduction at retail stores.

1.   Swapna Pradhan, Retail Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

2.   Gibson Vedamani, Retail Management:Functional Principles and Practives, Jaico Publishing, New Delhi