Bachelor Of Computer Applications (BCA) (Full-Time)
Second-2nd-II Semester Curriculum/ Syllabus 2011-12 Academic Year Onwards
Second-2nd-II Semester Curriculum/ Syllabus 2011-12 Academic Year Onwards
–II Syllabus
–II Syllabus /Course contents
List of Practicals:
- To find square root of nos. without using built in function
- To find factorial of a no. using recursion
- To reverse digit of number
- To reverse the given string
- To search a name in a record of student
- To create a record having five fields
- To exchange the value of two variable using function
- To add two number using pointer
- To create a file character
- To read a file
- To create a file of integer
- To create file of a record
- To copy a file
- To merge two file
- To find transpose of matrix
- To find inverse of matrix
- To convert lower case string into upper case
- To read character from one text file convert into upper case and length into other file
- Write a program which ask date of birth in dd/mm/yy format and spell it in word
- To find out twins prime number
- To enter a four digit number and print it in all combination
- Write a mark sheet program using file
- Write a payroll program using file
- Partitioning of an array
- Removal of duplicity in an array
- Write the following recursive C Function
- ¾ Factorial of a given number
- ¾ Nth Fibonacci number
- ¾ Reverse of a given String
- ¾ Reverse of a give Number
- ¾ Sin(x)
- Write a c program to create a new data type Date with the help of structure and typedef. Also write following user defined function for date manipulation.
- ¾ To return next Date,
- ¾ To return next Month,
- ¾ To return next Year,
- ¾ To add few Days in a date
- ¾ To add few Months in a date
- ¾ To add few Years in a date
- ¾ To return the date of the week of a given date.
- ¾ To return Month name from the date.
- ¾ To Display the Date in various format as: Date Display(Date d1, char *format) Here Date is the newly created data type. The format string can hold the following values:“DDMMYYYY”, “MMDDYY”, “MON, DD, YYYY”
- Write a C program to implement myprintf and myscanf functions using Concept of variable number of arguments. (using getch, putch, gets and puts function)
- Write a C program that creates an Employee text file? Records Are empid, empname, designation, qualification, salary, experience, Research work, address, city phone?
- Write a C program that manipulates the above text file. The program must implements the operation to modify a record, delete a record and append new records.
- Write C programs for the following operation to work like DOS Commands:
- ¾ type abc.txt
- ¾ copy source1.txt source2.txt
- ¾ copy source1.txt source2.txt source3.txt source4.txt
- ¾ compare source1.txt source2.txt
- ¾ concat source1.txt source2.txt
- Write a C program to open two files containing integers (in sorted order) and merge their contents.
- Write a C program to count the number of vowels, consonants, digits, spaces, other symbols, words and lines in a given text file.
- Write C code to check if an integer is a power of 2 or not
- Write a C program to count bits set in an integer.
- Write a C program to set a particular bit in a given number.
- Write a C program to reset a particular bit in a given number.
- IF 5+3+2 = 151022 , 9+2+4 = 183652 , 8+6+3 = 482466 , 5+4+5 = 202541 THEN; 7+2+5 = ? Develop a C program to solve this problem.
- Every student will be given 6 period /week laboratory(1 period 45 minutes)
- Every student will be work on independent computer(student: computer =1:1)
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